Knowing good advice.

Succession Planning Stärken Sie die Zukunft Ihres Unternehmens – mit unserer Hilfe zur erfolgreichen Nachfolgeplanung!

SMEs form the backbone of the Swiss economy and account for 99.8 percent of all Swiss companies. In Switzerland today, there are 549,400 small and medium-sized enterprises. Studies have shown that 20 percent of these SMEs will be looking for a suitable successor in the next five years. This means that 400,000 jobs will be affected by a change in ownership, which equals around 10 percent of all employees in Switzerland and poses a great responsibility for Swiss SMEs. 

Many of the affected companies are seriously challenged by the need to find a successor. According to a study looking at SME succession in Switzerland done in 2018 by the business information service Bisnode D&B, 13.4 percent of companies in Switzerland currently face an impending successor problem because their owners, board members and partners are already older than 60 and have not yet or insufficiently paid attention to their succession.

Do you also need help in finding a successor? When engaging in successor planning, the business owner as well as the successor are faced by many legal, personal, financial and organizational questions. Our specialists, including lawyers, fiduciaries and tax experts can support you in all phases, from the search to the final handover of the company.  

There are many different ways to transfer a business to a successor. The following list is not exhaustive. Talk to us, we will support you:

  • Management buy-out (MBO)
  • Management buy-in (MBI)
  • Investment or takeover by a financial investor
  • Initial public offering (IPO)
  • Sale to another company
  • Merger with another company
  • Family succession

Your contact persons

Özdemir Emre

Managing Partner (CEO)
Dipl. Wirtschaftsprüfer, Dipl. Treuhandexperte, M.A. HSG in Rechnungswesen und Finanzen, CMC (Certified Management Consultant)
Arbeitsorte Zürich, Baar

Vogel Manuel

Partner, VR-Präsident
Dr. oec. HSG, dipl. Steuerexperte, CAS FH in Unternehmensnachfolge
Arbeitsort Baar

a&o kreston

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