Knowing good advice.

Kreston Global

a&o kreston audit ltd is an independent member of Kreston Global, an international advisory and accountancy network with its registered office in London. The Kreston network includes 200 independent accounting firms employing more than 25,000 committed specialists in 125 countries. Owing to this global network, we can give you access to top-quality advisory services in every country where you operate or wish to operate. Founded in 1971, Kreston Global is currently the 12th largest accounting network in the world.

As new markets develop and technology evolves, the business world is increasingly becoming more global. This is why it is important to have a partner that can develop international solutions that are perfectly geared to you and your company. Country-specific and local conditions are also extremely important to us, and we never lose sight of them. You can rely on this, as this is the only way for us to advise you in line with your needs.

Kreston Global is also a member of the Forum of Firms, an association of international networks of fiduciary and accounting firms. Its goal is to promote consistent and high-quality standards for accounting and auditing practices worldwide. In this way we guarantee that the services we provide to you are always of the best quality.

All Kreston members are committed to the same basic core values – trust, rapid responses, quality, integrity and collaboration – thus ensuring world-class services to their clientele.

a&o kreston

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