Knowing good advice.

Tax representative Mit uns als Partner – immer gesetzeskonform und steuerlich sicher in der Schweiz

In Switzerland, a business becomes subject to VAT (VATable) if it independently pursues a professional or commercial activity geared towards the sustained generation of income from services, and acts externally under its own name. This also applies to companies domiciled abroad that operate in Switzerland. To meet the tax obligations, it is therefore important to have a VAT representative in Switzerland. If you choose us as your partner, we will help you to comply with the law at all times.

Representation by a Swiss tax practitioner is compulsory

Do you need a tax representative? Please discuss this with us. The position of tax representative is preferably held by a fiduciary company specializing in value added tax. We can offer you the required portfolio and represent you in VAT-related matters vis-à-vis the Swiss tax administration.

As your tax representative, we generally assume all the rights and obligations of the foreign company. The company in particular assumes the obligation to submit all tax declarations and other (statistical) reports in good time and to pay the resulting taxes.

A tax representative is also required if a foreign company wants to reclaim the VAT paid in Switzerland (input tax refund). Please contact us if you have any questions.

Your contact persons

Vogel Manuel

Partner, VR-Präsident
Dr. oec. HSG, dipl. Steuerexperte, CAS FH in Unternehmensnachfolge
Arbeitsort Baar

Bodmer Thomas

lic. oec. publ., dipl. Steuerexperte
Arbeitsorte Baar, Zürich

a&o kreston

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