Knowing good advice.

Swiss & cross-border VAT consulting

Do you operate internationally and deliver products and services not only in Switzerland? Then it is important for you to pay attention to the processes relating to value added tax, registration obligations and VAT settlement in compliance with the laws in other countries. Each country has its own statutory regulations, and if you do not want to get lost in the complexity of the VAT landscape, you need a strong partner with an international network at your side. We can show you where your company has to go and find the right solutions.

VAT consulting – experienced and networked

Our VAT experts have many years of experience in VAT consulting. We can provide your company with all-encompassing advice or with support in individual matters and projects. We also support other advisors, fiduciaries and lawyers in complex VAT issues.

VAT solutions:

With us you can meet your tax obligations, avoid risks, and keep the weight of your indirect tax burden bearable. With our international experience we support you in:

  • Mergers, acquisitions and sales of all types

  • All aspects of a transaction, from strategic VAT planning to due diligence, negotiations, implementation and integration

  • Matters relating to group taxation

  • Questions of procedural law

  • VAT controls and VAT audits

  • Representation in appeals procedures

  • Tax representation in Switzerland and abroad via our international network

International VAT consulting

More and more countries rely on indirect taxation. As the complexity, formal requirements and frequency of reforms in foreign VAT laws are growing, it is worth having a specialist by your side. As part of an international network we can support you in the following, among other things:

  • Optimization of tax strategy and processes

  • Restructuring of flows of goods and services

  • Reduction of VAT taxation abroad and identification of efficient refund processes

  • VAT registration (tax representation) and compliance in the EU and worldwide

  • Adaptation of IT systems, e.g. SAP

Customs duty and fees:

Companies that engage in the international trade in goods must take great care to comply with all regulations and control their costs while enhancing their efficiency. Sometimes just a few adjustments are needed in order to be allowed to import or export goods from preferential origin free of customs duty. We can help you with this. Our services include: 

  • Investigation of national and international customs processes, identification of risks and potential for optimization

  • Handling of customs disputes

  • Applications for facilitation of procedures

  • Binding customs information

  • Information on new regulations in Switzerland, the EU and worldwide

  • Preferential origin of goods and movement of goods certificates through our international network, VAT and customs aspects, identification of efficient refund processes, worldwide, and long-term supplier’s declarations.

Your contact persons

Vogel Manuel

Partner, VR-Präsident
Dr. oec. HSG, dipl. Steuerexperte, CAS FH in Unternehmensnachfolge
Arbeitsort Baar

a&o kreston

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