Knowing good advice.

Professional Board Activity

We understand our work as immediate and direct support of your work on the board of directors, basing our activities on modern legal systems. On request, we put you in touch with competent persons to take on your board member mandates, or stand for election ourselves. You can rely on our many years of experience in managing the most diverse of companies in Switzerland and abroad. Our in-depth knowledge of many different systems of company law enable us to execute board member and director mandates efficiently and in a results-focused manner.

A good board of directors is characterized by the “right“ members. This can be assumed if the members, through their existing knowledge, experience and characteristics, meet the needs of the individual company. In this regard, we support you, among other things:

  • By assuming the function of the secretary of the board of directors: Pursuant to Art. 712, para. 1 Swiss Code of Obligations (CO), the board of directors must also appoint, in addition to a chairman, a secretary, who does not necessarily have to be a member of the board of directors. Through his work, he contributes significantly to ensuring that the management of the company and the work of the board of directors is efficient and effective; among other things, by preparing the invitation to board meetings, including the agenda, with clearly formulated proposals. He is also responsible for ensuring that all legal and formal requirements are met at board meetings, and that professional minutes are kept – for reasons of transparency as well as accountability and liability.

  • By assuming the role of a member of the board of directors: Most often, all board members have a common basis, but this does not mean that every single board member has the same knowledge, experience or qualities. Rather, it is more important that all board members need to understand “the business“, that is, the fundamentals of business operations, the risks, or the industry specifics of each company. As such, board members who have a thorough knowledge of the company as a result of previously working for the company and those who have a well-founded knowledge of the industry are indispensable for a successful future strategy. Basic accounting skills are recommended for all board members, but it is sufficient if at least one member of the board of directors is a proven financial expert. We can provide this expert for the board of directors.

Your contact persons

Vogel Manuel

Partner, VR-Präsident
Dr. oec. HSG, dipl. Steuerexperte, CAS FH in Unternehmensnachfolge
Arbeitsort Baar

a&o kreston

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