Knowing good advice.

Tax and Legal Advice

The tax landscape in Switzerland is subject to constant change. Therefore, it is important to think about the company’s existing structures and to make any needed adjustments as nothing should be left to chance when it comes to tax matters and any risks have to be approached preventively. There are also changes for natural persons every year that have to be taken into account in the tax return. Our tax department supports you competently and practice-oriented in all matters.

We offer you tax advisory services that cover all relevant aspects and provide you with exactly those services that you really need. We give you security in all the areas where you rely on external expertise, experience and know-how. We tailor our work to your specific needs and provide you with the support you need to be able to focus on the essentials.

For companies, we offer the following services:

  • Tax planning, taking into account national and international aspects
  • Restructuring, consulting on corporate and group structures
  • Mergers &  acquisitions as well as takeovers
  • Joint ventures
  • Liquidations
  • Tax planning in the context of equity and debt financing
  • Advice on immigration or relocation abroad, including finding suitable housing options
  • Preparation of tax returns and review of tax assessments
  • Negotiations with the tax authorities
  • Obtaining tax rulings
  • Representation before all tax authorities
  • Tax and social insurance advice in connection with employees (expenses regulations, employee participation plans, etc.)
  • National and international value added tax
  • Advice on customs duties

For natural persons, we offer the following services:

  • Tax planning, taking into account national and international provisions and pension aspects
  • Preparation of expert reports
  • Negotiations with tax authorities (so-called tax rulings)
  • Obtaining tax rulings
  • Support in tax audits
  • Representation in objections and appeals proceedings
  • Advice on inheritance and gift tax issues
  • Advice on property gains tax issues
  • Assistance with taking up residence in Switzerland and supporting expatriates
  • Preparing tax returns and reviewing tax assessments

Legal advice

Ongoing globalization is creating an ever more complex grid of decisions that have to be taken by companies every day. Many regulations are non-transparent or difficult to understand. We support you with commitment and offer the best possible support in many questions of tax law.

Experience has shown that many risks and problems can be solved proactively. Our legal advice should therefore be interpreted as a holistic management service. You can rely on our practical experience and make use of our legal advice whenever business demands – the efforts and costs involved can often be reduced substantially if risks are never allowed to turn into hazards.

Our legal advisory services:

  • Advice regarding

    • Inheritance law

    • Company and commercial law

    • Tax criminal law

  • Company purchases and sales

Your contact persons

Vogel Manuel

Partner, VR-Präsident
Dr. oec. HSG, dipl. Steuerexperte, CAS FH in Unternehmensnachfolge
Arbeitsort Baar

Bodmer Thomas

lic. oec. publ., dipl. Steuerexperte
Arbeitsorte Baar, Zürich

Preparation of documents

Preparation of documents

Follow our checklist. Put together the required documents, with a copy of your last tax return.

Delivery of documents

Delivery of documents

Send all documents via APP.

Issuing of instructions

Issuing of instructions

We will contact you after having checked your documents. You will receive a clear estimate of the time we need to do your tax return, and we will give you a quotation and the exact dates.

Extension of deadline

Extension of deadline

Your tax return cannot be submitted on time? No problem. We will apply to the tax office for a deadline extension.

Signature and submission

Signature and submission

We send you your tax declaration, with a copy for your files. You send the signed original to the tax office, and put the copy in your file. You will need it again next year.

Consulting and support

Consulting and support

We are here to support you in all tax-related matters. We advise you on all tax issues and represent your interests vis-à-vis the tax authorities.

a&o kreston

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