Knowing good advice.

Financial interim management

Are you a company that is growing rapidly but has not yet employed an experienced and competent specialist in the field of finance? Or are you looking for a CFO / Head of Finance to professionally secure your day-to-day business and CFO projects?

We support you in setting up a professional financial system, bridging management gaps in the financial area for a limited period and eliminating bottlenecks. We also support you in the change management process or with the introduction of new software.

You can expect the following services from us:

  • Analysis and review of the financial statements (monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements) in accordance with the Swiss Code of Obligations, Swiss Gaap FER and IFRS

  • Controlling of the current course of business

  • Introduction of ERP systems

  • Introduction of internal control systems (ICS)

  • Preparation of well-founded business plans, annual budgets and financial planning for the board of directors and for investors

  • Rolling liquidity planning to avoid liquidity bottlenecks

  • Serving as sparring partner for the CEO in all business and financial issues

  • Support with presentations / applications for investors / banks

  • Support with external audits

  • Support of projects as external project manager

  • Strategic sparring partner for the entire financial department

  • Supervision of the entire bookkeeping

Our services are fast, flexible, and easy to implement. We enable you to concentrate on what you do best by tailoring our advice to your needs. We support you in all important business decisions. Together we ensure that processes are designed efficiently and effectively and that management, the board of directors and investors receive all management-relevant information promptly. With our experience and an external perspective, we will take you one step further.

Your contact persons

Vogel Manuel

Partner, VR-Präsident
Dr. oec. HSG, dipl. Steuerexperte, CAS FH in Unternehmensnachfolge
Arbeitsort Baar

Özdemir Emre

Managing Partner (CEO)
Dipl. Wirtschaftsprüfer, Dipl. Treuhandexperte, M.A. HSG in Rechnungswesen und Finanzen, CMC (Certified Management Consultant)
Arbeitsorte Zürich, Baar

a&o kreston

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